Red spray roses, bright yellow sunflowers, orange daisy spray chrysanthemums and curly willow make this bouquet so beautiful, it's scary! It's accented by two black bats and nestled inside our popular ceramic Trick & Treat Pumpkin, complete with a jack-o-lantern face. Happy Halloween!
You are in for a real treat with this Halloween bouquet. Red spray roses, bright yellow sunflowers, orange daisy spray chrysanthemums, curly willow and two black bats fill the festive Trick & Treat Pumpkin. Complete with a spooky jack-o-lantern face, this versatile keepsake has a lot of character and is perfect for Halloween and beyond.
You are in for a real treat with this Halloween bouquet. Red spray roses, bright yellow sunflowers, orange daisy spray chrysanthemums, curly willow and two black bats fill the festive Trick & Treat Pumpkin. Complete with a spooky jack-o-lantern face, this versatile keepsake has a lot of character and is perfect for Halloween and beyond.
: One-Sided
All prices in USD ($)
This beautiful hand-painted ceramic pumpkin is from Teleflora's exclusive Flowers-in-a-Gift collection. Filled with flowers or used as a charming candy dish or display piece, it will be a treasured keepsake for years to come.